Monday, April 27, 2009

Getting Started

This is a blog about my wanderings through the world of raising children, being a wife, a volunteer at school, a soccer mom (team manager), etc. in the heartland of the United States.  My story is like so many others, but I hope you will be amused and intrigued by reading this blog.  

I will touch on many topics here.  Some that are near and dear to me are:
 Baby Boomer Entitlement Grandparenting.  This is a subject that never ceases to amaze me.  Please share your story of baby boomers trying to horn in on every detail of your child's life.  Or my personal favorites, stories of getting "help" from these people.  Always with a price attached.

Women operating in Cliques.  Still.  Yes, I think that we will always be stunted by this phenomenon.  Girls do it, and Women do it.  I call this clique "The Northside Mafia".  In my own universe, these are the Catholics of the Northside of my city who all know each other.  In your universe, they are probably somebody else, but they are there.  They've always know each other.  They swam at the same pools, they played in the same sports leagues, they drank in the same secret spots, and somehow, they have all managed to marry each other and spawn offspring.  I married into this crew, and I'm on the outside looking in.

Parents behaving Badly.  I have a slew of these from my volunteering.  What people expect from the lowly room mother or soccer volunteer is truly staggering!

Okay, so it's not all bad.  Yes, there are some beautiful people in my world.  Most of the people who drive me completely bonkers are people I love deeply.   I know that some grandparents are amazing and are completely unselfish.  I know that there is great comfort in being around the same people you grew up with, and I know that Sports can be a great springboard to greatness in many a child's life.    But those stories aren't as fun.  I am just an armchair sociologist who is ever curious about human behavior.  Oh, and I'm a born smart-ass and somewhat cynical when it suits me.

Post what you will.  We have freedom of speech in this country and this blog.  Feel free to be profane but not obscene, and if you don't know the difference, please look it up.  Now, let's go!

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