A friend of mine, along with two other couples, threw a big party at their house. BIG party, to the tune of about 200 people, including about 80 kids. They have a pool, so the kids could swim. They even had a band. My husband and I went sans kids.
Anyway, in getting the post mortem from my friend, the host, I heard about two couples who talked to her about the party before hand...and told her that they were going to crash her party. True. Apparently, they said they do it all the time. They weren't invited, came anyway, brought people with them, and then did the following: stayed until after 2:00 in the morning, took the party in the house (this party was strictly outside), drank an entire bottle of Crown Royal that had been purchased as a gift, and smoked in their house! Seriously, these are real people who go to church, volunteer at school, and who are very well off financially. Scarier still, they are parents of actual children who will all likely grow into the hopelessly vile rude adults their parents are... *big breath*
Now I can see (maybe) going to a party with someone who had been invited as kind of a "plus one" person. Especially if the party was exceptionally big. I can also see (maybe) hinting around for an invitation. But crashing a party when you are a full grown adult is an unpardonable offense, especially when you proceed to make a total nuisance of yourself. If they had crashed and not been assholes, they probably could've gotten away with it. (It was a big, loud party, and the hosts were all pretty well lit before 9:00)
So the moral of the story is twofold: First, if you are going to be a seriously rude pig, do it right and be sneaky; and second, money does not buy class. It does buy, in at least one case in the above rudeness, liposuction.
*cue cat meow sound*